1 March to 31 March Cancer
When we talk about the people of Cancer sign then we will know that they are having a creative mind. Due to this reason they invent and innovate new things and gain high respect and prestige in the society. Besides this the people of cancer sign are also well known for their peaceful nature and deep emotions.
If we see the health of yours during this month of March 2025 then you will know that this time is a bit weak.
- You might not get good results in matters of your health.
- Till this month Saturn will have transit in the 8th house of your horoscope.
- Due to this reason you might not be in good health. If you are already having health problems concerned with your back, reproductive organs and mouth then you have to remain alert.
As far as matters of education and studies are concerned then this month of March 2025 will give you favorable results upto a lot of extend.
- During this entire time planet Jupiter will see and aspect the 5th and 7th houses of your horoscope.
- Due to this reason students and even those who are in the profession of teaching might get good results.
As far as your business is concerned then you will get better results in this month compared to previous months.
- So this month will give you good results but you have to take all business decisions carefully.
- Do not make haste or else it will prove bad for you.
- Till this month of March 2025 the transit of Saturn will be seen in the 8th
- So due to this reason Saturn will see your 10th house and will create troubles in your business and profession.
If we look at your job prospects during this month of March 2025 then this time is very much favorable for your work.
- As compared to previous months this month will give you relief in matters of job.
- You will also focus on your goals at job with the greatest energy. Your way of talking will be better as compared to others.
Money and finance
The chances of money and finances will be great for you during this month of March 2025. Even then your money problems will be fully over, this kind of guarantee will be very much less.
- After this month the negative effect of planet Saturn will get removed and on the other hand Ketu will start its effect on the 2nd house of your horoscope.
- So this kind of situation will be better as compared to the previous time.
- Even then some small expenses of money will make you feel worried.
Married life
If you are having an age of getting married and are trying to get married then this month of March 2025 will help you a lot.
- Right from the beginning of this month the planet Jupiter will be in the 11th house and will see the 5th and 7th houses of your horoscope.
- This will give you help in getting married. If you are having a chance of love marriage in your horoscope then during this time your desire to get married with your love partner will get fulfilled.
Family life
For you this month of March 2025 will need great care in family life.
- During the starting of this month planet Saturn will show negative effect on the 2nd house of family and relations.
- As a result you might not have harmonious relations with your family members.
Land conveyance and property
This month of March 2025 will be favorable in a normal way as far as buying land, conveyance and property are concerned.
- During this time you do not have chances of any big problem. Thus you will get good results according to your efforts.
- If you want to buy any land, plot or home then you should avoid doing so during this month.
- Serve hermits regularly.
- Apply a fore mark of turmeric daily.