Astrological conjunctions for a foreign trip

Many people dream to visit a foreign country but don’t find a good piece of luck for a long time. If you are also thinking whether your zodiac carries a chance of foreign trip for you, check for following conjunctions whether they are available in your  zodiac –

Importance of mercury and Saturn for foreign trip

The two important planets to play a crucial role to bring chance of a foreign trip in your life are mercury and Saturn. Similarly, the two important houses in the person’s zodiac for offering an opportunity of foreign visit are the eighth and the twelfth house. If planet mercury is situated in the eighth house of the zodiac and Saturn is situated in the 12th house, there are good chances of foreign trip.

Conjunction of first house and twelfth house

In someone’s birth chart, the importance of the first house cannot be ignore when looking for a chance of foreign trip. Even the lord of the first house plays an important role in this whole scenario. Until and unless the first house’ lord is not supporting, one can never have a foreign trip even if the relevant conjunctions are seen in the eighth house and the twelfth house of the natal chart. Presence of lord of the first house in the twelfth house also brings chance of foreign trip.

Moon as an agent to offer foreign trip

Moon is an inconstant Planet known for its mobility. It doesn’t allow the person to stay at one place, thus plays an important role to make chances of foreign trip in a person’s life. Its connection with the twelfth house, tenth house and Saturn in the birth chart shows opportunities for the one who is looking for a visit to foreign and doing job or business there. Here are some important situation moon can show for a foreign trip –  

  1. Presence of moon in the twelfth house of zodiac causes chance of foreign trip. This conjunction brings the chance of earning for the person in foreign.
  2. Presence of moon in the sixth house also cause foreign trip.
  3. Presence of moon in the tenth house or if Saturn is seeing the tenth house, chance of foreign trip is also there.
  4. Presence of moon in the first or seventh house indicates towards the chance of business in foreign country.
  5. Saturn is known as the lord of earning. Conjunction of Saturn and moon also causes a foreign trip.

Other significant conjunctions

Apart from all the above mentioned conditions and situations in the birth chart of a person for foreign trip, following conjunctions are also noteworthy while analysing the natal chart for foreign trip.

  1. If Lord of tenth house is situated in the twelfth house and lord of twelfth house is situated in the tenth house Zodiac, the conjunction brings chances earning from foreign country.
  2. If lord of the ninth house is situated in the twelfth house or lord of the twelfth house is situated in the ninth house, chances of foreign trip are there in the Zodiac.
  3. If Rahu is situated in the ninth house, it causes the chance of foreign trip.
  4. If lord of the seventh house is situated in the twelfth house or lord of twelfth house is situated in the seventh house, the possibility of foreign trip increases and the person gets involved in business activities from foreign country.

It is important to check the year chart of the person apart from the birth chart while making such analysis because sometimes even good conjunctions in the natal chart become unable to offer their fruitful results to the person because of totally unfavourable conditions in the year chart. So, if a birth chart shows opportunities for a person to settle in any foreign country, it is important to check the year chart and ongoing ‘dasha’ of planets to determine the correct time for a foreign trip.