Sagittarius – I predict what I read



Tip of the year

This year 2024 will be a supporting year for the people of Sagittarius moon sign. If you are doing any kind of job then your work colleagues will give help and support to you that is required. With their help you will give a good performance at your job. So we suggest you to give importance to the instructions that your colleagues are giving to you. Even then do not share your all problems with them but still you will get the required help from them. In this way you will get chances to give good performance at your job place. If you are a student then the beginning of this year will be good. Now you will have a sharp intellect. Now you will desire to get and grasp more knowledge. With it you will get good results in your education and studies. You will cross all the hurdles in your tasks work gradually.

Summary of the year

During this year 2024 with the grace of all big planets like Jupiter and Saturn you will do well in your job. Your work colleagues will give all the needed help to you. So now you will feel comfortable while doing your job. Now if you are preparing for any competitive exam then your hard and sincere work will give success to you. Thus you will have bright chances to get a good job post during this time. If you are a student then you will see that the starting of this year will be good. With the placement of Jupiter and Rahu in the 5th and 4th houses respectively you will get a sharp intellect. This will help you to get success in your education. During this year your financial problems will get reduced. You will get sufficient financial gains due to the placement of Jupiter in the 5th house and its seeing towards the 11th house.

Career and finances

During this year 2024 you will have bright chances to get success in your career. This will happen due to the grace of Jupiter that is placed in your 5th house. Even then due to Saturn you might see some obstacles. So if you work hard and sincerely then you will get success. After 1st May 2024 Jupiter will come in the 6th house and Mars will enter the 5th house. Thus now you will prepare for competitive exams with the greatest thrill. Now when we talk about the money and finances of Sagittarius moon sign then the beginning of this year will be good for them. But even you have to face financial challenges during the last part of this year.


Now Saturn will be in your 3rd house thus you will see ups and downs in the relations with your brothers and sisters. You might spoil your relations with your family members as now Rahu will be placement in the 4th house. Your children will be in a good condition during the beginning of this year 2024. If you do not have a child then Jupiter will help you while being placed in your 5th house. If you are already having a child then you will get happiness from him during this time. For the people who are married, the starting of this year will be a weak one for them. You will have tension with your life partner during this time because Sun and Mars will in the 1st house and will see the 7th house.

From family point of view the starting of this year 2024 will be weak. This will happen because Saturn will be in the 3rd house and will show ups and downs for your relations with brothers and sisters. Now Rahu will be placed in the 4th house and Ketu will be in the 10th house for the entire part of this year. Thus you will see ups and downs in your family. You have to avoid getting ignored by your family members. You have to also give some time to your family from time to time. You have to also understand their needs. You have to also do home based expenses or else your conditions might get spoiled. The starting of February and March will be having some tension. This will happen because Sun and Mars will affect your 2nd house.

Due to this reason you will see bitterness in your tone. Now disputes will happen in your family life. You have to make efforts to manage these disputes. After this your conditions will change slowly but from 23rd April to 1st June Mars will enter your 4th house. Here Rahu will be already placed that will increase tension in your family life once again. During this time health problems might trouble your mother thus you have to focus on it and contact a doctor if needed. After this your conditions will get improved. After the month of May, Jupiter will enter the 6th house and then some disputes might take place due to family property. Thus having patience will be good for you.

When we see from your child point of view then the starting of this year will be more favorable. Jupiter will be placed in the 5th house and it will help those couples who are childless and have a desire to have children. If your are already having chances of getting a child in your horoscope then the placement of Jupiter in the 5th house will prove to be beneficial for you and you will have the happiness to get a child. Those who are already with a child will get happiness. Their child will be obedient and will obey the orders of their parents. These children will be with their parents in all conditions and will also make progress in their career.

Your child will get admiration if they are students. After 1st May Jupiter will come in the 6th house. From 1st June to 12th July Mars will be in the 5th house and will give excellent leadership qualities to your child so that he might make progress in whichever field he is working. You have to take care of your child especially during the months of October and November. During this time your health will be weak. They might get some injury. You have to take care of their eating habits for their health. With this you will get happiness related to child.

For married people the starting of this year will be weak. During the beginning of this year Mars and Sun will be in the 1st house and will see the 7th house. Due to this there might be tension between you and your life partner. You will have aggressiveness and this will spoil your marriage relationship. You have to avoid the tendency of quarrel over small matters. After this Mars and Sun will enter the 2nd house. Due to this the mid part of March will be full of tension and even health problems might trouble your life partner. With mutual consultation you can take out solutions for your all problems and can avoid disputes and arguments.

However the time from June to July will be good. During this time due to the effect of Venus on your 7th house tension in your life will get reduced and love will be seen in the relationship with your life partner. During the month of June good things will help you to keep up your relationship with your life partner and this will continue till 4th September. After this your relationship with your life partner will start getting to be normal. During the last days of this year 2024 you will spend your married life with happiness. You two will understand one another and will do many things to please each other.


From health point of view this year 2024 will seem to be an average one for the people of Sagittarius moon sign. You might become a victim of some infection due to the placement of Rahu and Ketu in the 4th and 10th houses respectively.  Thus you have to be very careful or else you might suffer with some infection due to some changes in the weather. Keep away from smoking during this year or else you might face some health problems. Jupiter the lord of your moon sign will be placed in the 6th house. Thus you might have a chance of being in weak health.

You will have a possibility of weak health due to the entry of Jupiter in the 6th house. Now you should take care of your stomach. Take light and well digestive food. You will get saved from diseases if you take liquid foods sufficiently. You will get saved from diseases as now during this year Saturn will be placed in your 3rd house. Thus now you will have to make a disciplined routine and you should live your life according to it.

Now you are being suggested to take special care of your health during this year 2024. This has to be done as now the transit of planets is not favorable for your health. Rahu and Ketu will be placed in the 7th and 1st houses during the entire year. This will make you to face mental problems from time to time. Saturn will be placed in the 6th house and this will improve and increase your immune power against diseases. Even then your health problems might increase from time to time. Thus now you have to live well disciplined life.

Business Relations

The people of Sagittarius moon sign will have a favorable beginning during this year as far as their business is concerned. Due to the favorable effect of Sun and Mars on the 7th house you will be able to make progress in your business. You will get support and benefit in your business from the government sector. You will get a favorable start during this year if you are doing a business that is related with the government sector and is being done to meet the needs of government.

You have to face some challenges during the months of April, August, November and December. Thus you have to be very careful and have to find some new ways to expand your business. During the mid part of July you will meet some special person who will help you to make progress in your business. The time during the beginning of December will be favorable to pay all kinds of taxes or else the department of taxes might send you a notice. The mid part of this year will give you the best success in your business.

Money & Profits

The people of Sagittarius moon sign will have to face expenses during the starting of this year 2024. Venus and Mercury will be placed in the 12th house and will create chances of expenses. But Jupiter will be in the 5th house till 1st May and will see your 9th, 11th and 1st house to increase your income.  Now you might also start some business plans. During the month of February Sun and Mars will be in the 2nd house and you will get strong chances of getting money. With this your bank balance will also increase.

Education & Competitive Exams

According to the predictions of year 2024 for the people of Virgo moon sign the starting will be good for students. You will be very much serious about your studies and education. Now you will do sincere hard work. Your concentrate will also be well in studies and with it you will give full time to your studies during the month of January. You will give focus on your studies due to which you will get success in understanding many subjects.

The time from February to March will have some tension. Now Mars and Venus will affect your 5th house. Thus this might make your attention to get distracted in some other direction. So you have to take care well so that you might not get distracted from your studies. But after the month of April your conditions will start improving. You will be giving good performance from the months of August to October and you will also get good marks. After this your time will be favorable.

The planet Saturn will be in the 6th house during the entire year. Due to this reason you will have chances in getting success in competitive exams. If you are about to appear in any competitive exam then you have to work hard. You will get success and you will also get selected in any exam to get some high job post. With it you will feel very happy. Students who are doing higher studies for them the starting part of this month will be weak and the last part will be favorable. If you want to go abroad for studies then the months of April and August will be much favorable for you.

Wealth & Vehicles

The people of Sagittarius moon sign should avoid buying any property during the starting of this year 2024. But you might buy some property during the mid part of February and April. You might also buy some property with the help of your brothers. The starting of February and April will be much favorable for you. After this you might face some delay. During the entire year Rahu will be placed in the 4th house and will give you money benefits in the form of monthly rent from your house.  

If you are interested in buying a vehicle then for you the time of April will be good. After the month of April also you will be successful in buying a vehicle. If now you are not able to buy any vehicle then you will have a second chance after the month of August and then during September. Buying a vehicle during this time will be auspicious for you and your vehicle will be luckier for you. During this if you buy any vehicle then you will get success in it.

If we see about your prospects of buying any vehicle during this year 2024 then you have to keep some patience. The month of February will be good for this. During this time you will get success in buying a vehicle. After this you might get success again to buy a vehicle during the months of May and June. Even the time from September to October will be suitable for this. During this time you will be interested in buying a vehicle and you will also buy some new conveyance. However never buy a vehicle during the month of May or else you might face some road accident.



Advices to follow

Some more things to know about Sagittarius moon sign

This year will prove to be lucky for the people of Sagittarius moon sign. During this year you will get success in making a strong career and having a good financial condition. According to the astrological predictions of this year 2024 Jupiter will enter your 5th house. Then you will get many kinds of comforts and luxuries. During this year 2024 you will get many indications of having income and getting an increase in your profits. This year will prove to be beneficial in many respects. The people of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius sign will prove to be the best life partners for the persons of Sagittarius moon sign. The people of Aries and Leo love the people of this moon sign. The people of Virgo are the worst enemies of Sagittarius moon sign.

Lucky numbers for Sagittarius moon sign

Jupiter is the presiding planet of Sagittarius moon sign. Thus numbers 3 and 7 are lucky numbers for the people of this moon sign people. According to the astrology predictions of 2024 the total number of this year is 8. This year will be an average for the people of this moon sign. During this year you have to give special attention on your health and ups and downs that will occur due to money and finance matters. You will see normal conditions in other walks of life slowly and gradually. As this year will move forward, your conditions will start getting good and favorable for you.

Family Relations

Now you should not ignore your family and you should also take out some time for it from time to time. You should understand their needs and requirement. You have to also do house hold expenses or else your troubles might increase. The months of February and March will prove to increase tension in your family. This will happen because now Mars and Sun will affect your 2nd house. Due to this you will see bitterness in your tone. And you will see disputes in your family matters. You have to try your best to manage and solve all these problems. After this your conditions will start improving slowly. Due to the ill effects of Sun, Mars and Rahu you will see tension in your family life.

Love Relationships

The time from June to July will be good for love relationships in your life. This will happen because now Venus will affect your 7th house with which tension will reduce between you and your love mate. Love will be seen to increase in your relationship. During the month of June you will see many good things in your love relationship. Even then between June and July tension between you and your life partner will increase. After this your love relationship will become normal. You will also spend a nice time with your love mate during the last days of this year.


Jupiter will be placed in the 5th house and will see your 11th house, 1st house and 9th house. With this you will see relief in your financial and money related problems. Now you will get success in making a strong financial position by taking correct and right decison. Even then you will see an increase in your expenses when Jupiter will enter your 6th house during the month of May.


From career point of view you will see that this year will be full of ups and downs for your job. During the entire part of year Ketu will be placed in your 10th house due to which you will feel a bit uncomfortable in your job. You will feel distracted from your job again and again.

Business & Profession

Due to the seeing of Mars and Sun on the 7th house during this year 2024 you will make rapid progress in your favor. However you have to be careful when you decide to invest money in some new business and profession.


You can decide to buy a new property with the help of your brothers either during the starting or end of this year 2024.

Lucky Color

Yellow, White and Red are very lucky colors for the people of Sagittarius moon sign.

Lucky Number

3, 1 and 9 are lucky numbers for the persons of Sagittarius moon sign.

Lucky day

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday are very lucky for the persons of Sagittarius moon sign people.

Which numbers should be avoided?

The people of Sagittarius moon sign should avoid numbers like 5, 6 and 8.


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