Tip of the year

Now you will have a nice position in your job. This will happen as some planets will be in your favor by being placed in the 2nd house and they will see the 10th and 6th houses respectively. You will have a very significant time from March to April. This will happen as during these months you can get a chance to go abroad. So you might feel thrilled after seeing such promising prospects in your studies and career. You might get such kind of chance from August to September. During the last part of this year 2024 just keep away from having any quarrel and exchange of hot words at your job place. If you do not do so then there might be a danger for you of having lost your job. If you cross all these hurdles then in the coming time you might see better conditions as far as your job is concerned.

Summary of the year

As we have already told you that as far as your career and job is concerned then you will get good chances to have a better position in your job when you avoid quarrels with others. You will need to be very alert in your studies as now Jupiter is ready to shower its grace on you in matters of job and career. Here you have to be sincere in your work. If we talk about the studies of Pisces moon sign persons then we will see that they will have a nice time during the beginning of this month. Now you will study well due to the favor of planets and will also remove all the challenges that will come in the way of your education and studies. Now if we talk about your finances then you have to do perfect money management so that you can remove your financial problems.

Career and finances

When we talk about your career then we will see that you will prepare well for any competitive exam. You might face some obstacles in this task as Mars will aspect your 5th house. Even then your concentration will get motivated at one task. Now you will focus more on your education and studies so that you can get success in your career. Now you will also have a chance of passing any competitive exam with good marks because now Saturn will make its benefic aspect from 12th house to the 6th house. Even Jupiter will see the 6th house from 2nd house to allot success to you. If we talk about your money and finances then we will see that Jupiter will help you by being placed in the 2nd house. Even then you have to face some money related challenges during the mid part of this year 2024.


If we talk about your family life during this year 2024 then its starting will be a bit challenging. Now Jupiter the teacher of Gods will be placed in the 2nd house and will remove problems from your family. As a result you will see proper harmony and coordination among the members of your family. If we see matters of your children during this year then we will know that now the beginning of this year will be good for them and they will make good progress.

Again we want to say that now you will get success in winning the hearts of people with your impressive and sweet tone. With this your relations will become more intimate. On the other hand Saturn will see your 2nd house and it will make you to say many things again and again that will seem to be bitter to other people. During the starting of this month Mars and Sun will see the 4th house fully. Mars will see your moon sign where Rahu will be already placed. During the months of February and March you will see aggressiveness and uncomfort in your behavior.

Now you have to do more efforts in making your family life happy or else you will see tension during this year 2024. Your mother will feel troubled due to health problems but after June her condition will get recovered and her health problems will get decreased. You will have good relations with your brothers and sisters and they will help you as far as possible. You have to think about them from time to time. During the last months of this year you have to take care of your family and their needs even if you have a busy life. With this you will enjoy your family life.

If we see from child point of view then you will know that the beginning of this year will be good for them. They will make progress in their tasks. Their courage will increase and the will work with full self confidence and they will get success in it. In the mid of February and March they will see health problems and again during the months from October to December they will feel troubled due to health problems. Thus now you have to take full care of their health.

The conditions of your child will improve after the month of April. Your child will have a possibility to go out of home during this year. If he is doing any job then he might go abroad very early and will also earn fame. You will feel happy with his success but you have to avoid any kind of arguments with him or else he might oppose you.

Your married life might be full of troubles during the starting of this year 2024. During this entire year Rahu and Ketu will be placed in the 1st house and 7th house. The seeing of these two planets at your 7th house will make an imbalance in your married life. Now misunderstandings will increase between you and your life partner. But on 1st May Jupiter will enter your 3rd house due to which the problems in your married life will get reduced. Now both of you will feel attracted towards one another and will try to fulfill your relationship with a true heart. With this your married relations will become strong.

Due to the placement of Saturn in your 12th house for the entire year you will see some obstructions in your married life. So now you two have to give sufficient time to one another and you have to also help one another after listening to the problems of one another. If you are an unmarried person then you might have a possibility of getting married during the last part of this year. With the grace of Jupiter you will get married. For married people the time from March and till the end of April will be favorable. During this time you will see a vibe of romance in your relationship. After this such conditions will come again from the month of August to September.


From health point of view the beginning of this year 2024 will have ups and downs. You might not have good health due to the placement of Rahu in your moon sign and Ketu in the 7th house during this entire year. Thus you have to try your best to avoid any kind of physical ailment during this year. Saturn will be placed in the 12th house and might give rise to health problems like inflammation in the eyes, pain in legs and injuries etc. Problems like pain in the eyes and coming out of water from your eyes might create troubles for you. You have to give special care to your health from April to May. During this time you might feel troubled due to your health that might get spoiled.

Now during this year you have to keep a proper and balanced daily routine. This will happen as now Rahu will be in its own sign and might make you a bit careless in health related matters. With this your health might get spoiled. If you want to remain healthy then you have to include good habits in your daily routine. Eat good and digestive food; do meditation, yoga and physical exercises. With this you will get health benefits.

Business Predictions

For business doing people the starting of this year will be full of ups and downs. This will happen as now Ketu will be placed in the 7th house for the entire year due to which you will not be able to keep good relations with your business partner. Now you might have suspicions against one another. Even you two might have quarrels due to suspecting one another. With this your business relations and business will get affected. But when Jupiter will enter the 3rd house on 1st May then it will see your 7th house. From here it will also see your 9th house and 11th house then conditions will become favorable for you. With this your business will grow.

You will come into contact with some experienced and aged person with whom you will give more phase to your business and will make progress in your business. The months of March, August, November and December will be much favorable. During this month you will get a chance to grow your business. If you are doing any business that is concerned with any government sector then the months of January, February, April, June and August will be the most favorable. During this time you will get help from the government sector and this will help you in growing your business.

Money & Profits

The people of Pisces moon sign will get chances to make a strong financial condition. But Saturn will be placed in your 12th house and will make chances of expenditure during the entire year that will be wanted and unwanted. This condition of Saturn will keep pressure of expenses on you. But Jupiter will enter your 2nd house on 1st May and increase your bank balance. It will also help you to make money savings.

Between February and March the planet Mars will be in its exalted sign within the 11th house. From here it will also see the 2nd house and Jupiter. This time will be progressive from money and finance point of view. During this time whatever plan you will start, you will get success in it. You will also have strong chances to get money profits from it. Even Sun will enter this moon sign and will give you profits from the government sector.

Planet Jupiter will enter the 3rd house on 1st May and will see your 7th, 9th and 11th houses. Even Mars will have a transit in its own sign Aries in the 2nd house from the months of June to July. This time will give you a strong financial condition and you will have a nice time as far as money is concerned. Now you should avoid making any investment from the end of October till December. During this time you might face losses.

Education and Competitive Exams

From the beginning of this year 2024 students will have a good time. Since the starting of this year, due to the position of planets you will study sincerely and will remove all the challenges that will come in its way. You will have to face hurdles in your studies due to seeing of Mars at your 5th house. This will happen because now you will not be able to concentrate on your studies but still you will not feel distracted from your education.

You will keep on studying with laying focus on your education. This year will give success to those students who are in the field of management and art. Thus now you should give full attention to your studies. During the month of October when Mars will enter your 5th house then this time will be a bit weak for you. This will happen because Mars will be placed in its debilated sign. Thus even if you face challenges still you should keep on doing your studies and should not be distracted from your education.

Now students who are appearing in any competitive exam will get chances of success. This will happen as now Saturn will be in the 12th house and from there it will see your 6th house. Even Jupiter will be in the 2nd house and will see the 6th house due to which you might pass competitive exams with good marks.

Previously whatever studies you have done and whatever preparation you have made for any competitive exam, this will not go futile. Now you might get success on a good post. The starting of this year will be good for those students who are getting higher education. The mid part of this year will be a bit weak but you will get good success during the last days of this year. If you want to go abroad for studies then the 1st and 2nd quarter of this year will be suitable.

Wealth & Vehicles

This year 2024 will be favorable for the people of Pisces moon sign to buy any immovable property. You will get success in buying some big property as now Mars and Sun will be placed in your 4th house. This property will give you financial benefits. The months of January, March, June, July, October and November will give you benefits in the task of buying and selling any property. If you want to buy a vehicle then the months of January, April, June and October will be suitable.

If we see about your prospects of buying any vehicle during this year 2024 then you have to keep some patience. The month of February will be good for this. During this time you will get success in buying a vehicle. After this you might get success again to buy a vehicle during the months of May and June. Even the time from September to October will be suitable for this. During this time you will be interested in buying a vehicle and you will also buy some new conveyance. However never buy a vehicle during the month of May or else you might face some road accident.



Advices to follow

Some more things to know about Pisces moon sign

As far as this year 2024 is concerned then now the people of Pisces moon sign will get bright opportunities in their career, life style, money and personal relations. These people will be at the heights of success during the starting of this year.  These people will see their luck to shine between the times from January to August. This year will be very suitable for family life and financial benefits. If we talk about the life partner of Pisces sign people then we will see that the persons of Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn moon signs are ideal for them. The persons of Aquarius are seen to be very much affectionate to the people of Pisces moon sign. The persons of Taurus sign are the enemies of these people.

Lucky numbers for Pisces moon sign

Jupiter is the presiding planet for the people of Pisces moon sign. Thus numbers of 3 and 7 are lucky for them. According to astrology the total number of year 2024 is 8. This year will give average results to the people of Pisces moon sign. From money point of view this year will also make expenses along with giving money profits. You will have to take care of your health. But from love relationship point of view this year will be nice. You will see conditions of ups and downs in your personal life. You will get success in your business and career with your own efforts.

Family Relations

When we talk about your family relations then now we suggest you to try for making your family life happy. You should do this or else you will see family related tension during this time. You will feel troubled due to the health problems of your mother. However she will feel recovered during the mid part of this year and her health problems might get reduced. Now you will have good relations with your siblings and they will help you in all possible ways. Now you have to give good heed and attention to your family during the last part of this year even if you are too busy in your work. In this way you will enjoy life with your family.

Love Relationships

Now you will see that planets like Rahu and Ketu will be placed in the 1st and 7th houses. Due to their effect you will see ups and downs in your love life and even in married relations. As a result you might have some misunderstanding with your love mate. However when Jupiter will enter the 3rd house on 1st May then it will see your 7th house. With it the problems in your love relationship will get reduced and both of you will feel attracted towards one another. If you try to keep your relationship well then it will become stronger. Due to the placement of Saturn in the 12th house you will see some obstructions in your relationship. Thus you should give maximum time to your love mate and should also try to solve the problems of your mate.


Now if you try to do proper money management then you will make a very strong financial situation. Jupiter will be in the 2nd house and will help you upto a lot of extent. Even then during this year you have to face some challenges in money matters plus you might become a victim of money imbalance. But after the month of August your financial condition might become good again.


If we see from job point of view then the beginning of this year will be very good for you. During the beginning of this year glorious planets like Sun and Mars will be placed in the 10th house. With it you will get amazing success in your career. Now you will do your work well with self determination. You will also work at your job with full honesty. You might even get some high job post between the months of January to March. Now you will have chances to get success in your tasks. You will have authority in your job and your senior bosses will feel satisfied with your work.

Business & Profession

If we talk about your business and profession then we will see that during this year 2024 you will see ups and downs in your business due to the placement of Ketu in the 7th house.


You will have good chances to buy a property when Sun and Mars will enter your 4th house.

Lucky Color

Colors like Yellow, Red and White are very lucky for the people of Pisces moon sign.

Lucky Number

Numbers like 3, 7, 2 and 1 are lucky for the people of Pisces moon sign.

Lucky day

Days like Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are the best lucky for the persons of Pisces moon sign.

Which numbers should be avoided?

The numbers like 4, 5, 6 and 8 should be avoided by the people of Pisces moon sign.