Libra – I predict what I read



Tip of the year

This year will bring you success if you are preparing for any competitive examination. Rahu will now show its full grace on you. Thus you will have chances to get the best success. If you are planning to get higher education then this year will bring you average results. Now you can get a chance to study your favorable subjects according to your caliber. You might also get a slight chance to do studies in abroad but this year suggests you not to take this step now. Here you have to remember that now during this year 2024 the months of March to May and from August to October will be a bit challenging. This year you will also have a fine financial position. Even then we suggest you to spend your cash carefully so that your money might not go wasted. Now you will get success in making financial progress.

Summary of the year

Now you have to see that how you can make progress in your all walks of life especially in matters of education, job and finance. This year will bring you special success in your studies and competitive exams. This will happen because now Rahu will be in your favor. Even Sun will be graceful to you. Thus during the month of August you will reap and get benefits from government sector. In this way your financial position will become much strong. If we talk about the family life of Libra moon sign people then we will see that their brothers and sisters will become a source of inspiration to them. Your family life will better after May 2024. You will complete your all tasks and works with the help of your family members. Be careful for your kids during this year as they might get injured out of the home.

Career and finances

With the grace of Rahu and Sun now you will touch the heights of your career. If you study hard and sincerely then during this year 2024 you might get success in passing in any competitive exam. In this way you will get a high post in any government sector to reap financial benefits. If you are doing any kind of business then this year will be good for you during its beginning. This will happen due to the positive effects of planets like Saturn and Jupiter. Even the placement of Venus and Mercury in the 2nd house indicate that you will make financial progress.


Due to the placement of Sun and Mars in the 3rd house your brothers and sisters will get some high achievements. But during the months of February and March you might see some tension in your family life. This year 2024 will be good for your children. Your child will make gradual progress in his life especially in his education and studies. As far as your married life is concerned then now Jupiter will be placed in the 7th house and will give good guidance to you about how to behave with your life partner.

From family point of view this year will be average. According to the predictions of 2024 the beginning of this year will be well as Venus and Mercury in the 2nd house. Saturn will be in the 4th house in its own sign and will increase mutual harmony among your family members. Due to the placement of Sun and Mars in the 3rd house your brothers and sisters will get some big achievement. But during the month of February and March the transit of Sun and Mars will affect your 4th house.

Now tension and struggle will increase in your family life. Thus you have to avoid doing quarrels. After the month of May your conditions might become good. You will get success in completing your tasks with the help of your family members. You will also get help from your family in business matters. Your brothers and sisters will also be a source of motivation and will keep on helping you. With this you will feel happy.

If we talk about your child then this year will be good for you. Your child will make progress in its field slowly and gradually. If they are students then they will get a chance to judge themselves and their concentration will give them good results in studies. If your child is doing any job or business then also this year will give them good success. You will feel happy after seeing the progress of your child.

You have to take special care of your child from 15th March to 23rd April when Mars will have transit in your 5th house. Let their company not get spoiled. Even now their health might come down plus they might get injured etc. If you take care of your health then now their remaining time will get passed well.

Your married relationship will be favorable during the beginning of this year. Jupiter will be placed in your 7th house and will give you the right instructions. Your mind will be peaceful. You will fulfill your family responsibilities and will appear to be well devoted towards your life partner. On the same hand even your life partner will have all knowledge about ethics. Your life partner will understand his or her responsibilities and will stand by you well. You two will have a good coordination and your relations will be well and the starting of this year will also pass well.

During the ending of this year 2024 Jupiter will enter the 8th house and will make some changes in your married life. Now you will also have a chance to take part in any function of your in laws. With this happiness will be seen in your family. Even then during the months of 12 July to 26th August and from 20 October till the end of this year your married life will not be favorable. During this month you might have some arguments and quarrels. Thus now you have to be very careful. If you are unmarried then during this year you will have chances of getting married. This might happen especially during the starting of this year.


This year 2024 will be an average one for the health of Libra moon sign people. The beginning of this year will be very nice. However you have to bother your carelessness about your health because now Rahu will placed in the 7th house during this entire year. If you do not keep a regular and disciplined routine daily then you might become a victim of illness and various diseases. Illness will come and leave your body even then you will feel a bit troubled. You might face blood related problems like impurities. You might also have problems related to the eyes. You will have to be much alert as now you will suffer with stomach pain and digestive system. The adverse effect of planets like Saturn and Ketu will create health problems for you. Thus we suggest you to remain careful in matters of health during this year.


During the last part of this year Jupiter will enter the 8th house and Ketu will be placed in the 12th house. Even Rahu will be placed in the 6th house and Saturn will be in the 5th house. Thus now you have to face stomach related problems. Thus now you have to be careful.

Business predictions

For business doing people the starting of this year will be good. The combination of Jupiter and Saturn, the placement of Sun and Mars in the 3rd house and placement of Venus and Mercury in the 2nd house indicates that your business will make progress. Your business will make progress with speed and you will get many opportunities to make progress. Your business will make good progress and with it you will be seen to be quite satisfied. The time from the month of May to October will be weak. Now you might see some ups and downs in your business.

With it you will also think to formulate some new business plans. Without them you might not get desired success in your business. After this the time will be good for your business. The months of April and August will help you in working with the government sector and with them you will get new progress in your business. During the beginning of this year you will come in contact with some important person and will expand your business.

Money and profits

This year 2024 will give financial progress to the persons of Libra moon sign. Now Venus and Mercury will be placed in the 2nd house and will give you financial progress. Even Saturn will give you a fixed source of income by being placed in the 5th house and seeing the 7th, 11th and 2nd houses. You will have chances to get money in a good way as now Jupiter will see the 11th house, 1st house and 2nd house.

Even then Ketu will be placed in the 12th house and will make you to do money expenses. You will have sudden expenses and you have to spend your money on them. Due to this you might feel financial pressure but due to the grace of Saturn and placement of Rahu in the 6th house you will get benefits. You will get good benefits from your business during the month of April. You will also get benefits from the government sector during the month of August. After this even the month of December will give you financial profits.

According to the predictions of year 2024 if you want to make any kind of capital investment then choosing classic plans will be beneficial for you. If you want to make long term investments then now you will get success in them. You will get success in making investments with good advice during the months of January, April, August, September and October.

Education and competitive exams

The people of Libra moon sign will get success in education and competitive exams according to the efforts they are going to make. The conditions during this year indicate that planets like Jupiter and Saturn will reward these persons if they give full concentration to their studies.

Wealth and vehicles

This year 2024 will be well and good from wealth and vehicles point of view. If you want to buy any vehicle then the starting of this year will be favorable. This will be a good time as now you will find it easy to buy any vehicle. Now if you want a bank loan for this purpose then you will get it easily and you will also get success in buying a conveyance.

Buying a vehicle from 5th February to 15th March will be better and during this time you will get success in buying a vehicle. Even the months of July and December will be favorable to buy a new vehicle.

This year is very good to buy any kind of property. You might even buy an already well constructed house. This will be much profitable for you. If you want to make any investment in property then instead of buying a plot you can get benefits from buying an already constructed house.

You will also get success in reconstructing your home after breaking it. Now even a well made home will be better for you instead of buying an empty plot. You will have chances to buy a plot during the months of February, April, October and November.



Advices to follow

Some more things to know about Libra moon sign

According to the predictions of year 2024 now the people of Libra moon sign will get full support from their brothers, sisters and family members. With this reason your family life will be quite happy. The people of this sign will see beneficial time during the starting of this year. Now the people of this sign Libra will have a wonderful time and now they will get success in making a good position for themselves. If we talk about the life partner of Libra sign people then we will see that the persons of Gemini and Aquarius moon sign will prove to be ideal life partners for them. The people of Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius love as well as are affectionate towards the people of Libra moon sign. According to astrology the persons of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are the greatest enemies of the people who have Libra moon sign.

Lucky numbers for Libra moon sign

The presiding planet of Libra sign is Venus. The best lucky numbers of Libra sign people are 5 and 8. According to the predictions of 2024 the total number is 8. This year has a possibility to be very much favorable for the people of Libra sign. If you make your best efforts then you will get good results during this year. This year is making you fortunate thus with the grace of your luck your obstructed tasks will also get completed. Even from financial point of view this year will give you progress.

Family Relations

From family point of view this year 2024 will give mixed and average results to the people of Libra moon sign. Now the starting of this year will be good as Venus and Mercury will be placed in the 4th house and Saturn the lord of 4th house will be seen in the 5th house. These positions of planets will improve coordination among your family members. Now your brothers and sisters will get some big and special achievements. But during the months of February and March the transit of Sun and Mars will leave an effect on your 4th house. With this reason you will see an increase of tension and struggle in your family life. Thus now you have to avoid these arguments and quarrels. You will see good conditions in your family life after 1st May. You will also get success in your tasks with the help and support of your family life.

Love Relationships

If we talk about the love relationships of Libra moon sign people then this year 2024 will be well for them at its starting. Now you will get good guidance due to the placement of Jupiter in the 7th house. Now you will get mental peace. You will have a good coordination with your love mate during the starting of this year. During the last part of this year Jupiter will go into the 8th house. Then you will see some changes in your conditions. Your love life will get obstructed during the months of July, August and October. Now you might have a possibility of quarrel and arguments with your love mate. Thus you have to be careful in this concern.


From money point of view this year 2024 will be good for you. The planet Saturn will see your 11th house during the entire part of this year. This will help you to have a strong financial position. Not only this Saturn will also see the 2nd house with grace due to which you will have chances to make progress from money and finance point of view. Now you will be financially strong. The starting of this year will be very good. Now Venus and Mercury will be in the 2nd house and will inspire you to do something from financial point of view. You will see a good financial time with the grace of Mars during the months of March, May and August.


You can get a good job if you are sincerely preparing for any competitive exam. During this year you will get the full grace of Rahu and thus you will have chances to get success. This year will be average for those who are getting higher education. You have to concentrate well on increasing your eligibilities. With this you will get desired good results as far as job and career is concerned. Now you might even get success in studying your desired subjects. Your dream to go abroad for study purpose might get fulfilled. Even then this year indicates that now you might have to wait for some time for this purpose.

Business And Profession

During this year 2024 you might see some ups and downs in your business and profession. You might also frame some new business related plans as without them you might not get success in your business. After this your time will be good from business point of view. You will get support in working with government sector during the months of April and August. Now you will get new progress in your business. You might even expand your business with the help of some important business expert.


As far as property is concerned then this year 2024 will be good for you. Try your best to buy a well made home. This will give more benefits to you. If you want to make money investment in any property then you should buy a well made home instead of an empty plot. You can also reconstruct your home during this year and you will get success in it.

Lucky Color

Using colors like White, Green, Pink and Light Blue will be beneficial for the people of Libra sign.

Lucky Number

6, 5 and 8 are lucky numbers for the people of Libra moon sign. This is because these numbers are related to planets like Venus, Mercury and Saturn that are very lucky for them. However the people of this moon sign have to avoid numbers like 1, 2, 3 and 4. This is because these numbers are related to inimical planets like Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Rahu.

Lucky day

Days like Friday, Wednesday and Saturday are very lucky for the people of Libra moon sign.

Which numbers should be avoided?

The persons of Libra moon sign should avoid numbers like 1, 2, 3 and 4.


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