Tip of the year

If you are a student then we want to suggest that you should be alert in your studies. This is because the beginning of this year 2024 will not be in your favor. We know well that still you will try your best in your studies. You will give complete focus on your studies and then only you will reach the heights of success as far as your education is concerned during this year. Due to some effect of adverse planets you might face some hurdles in your studies and still you will complete your education with a strong self determination. Even in money and finance matters you should be careful as now you will have to face some sudden expenses. Here the transit of planets is not in your favor during some months of this year. You will have to face expenses even if you get money from any source.

Summary of the year

If you are student then this year will be a weak one as far as your studies and education are concerned. The transit of planets indicates that you will concentrate well on your studies and will also make your best efforts. You will take interest in your studies with the grace of those planets that are in your favor during this year 2024. Even if you face any hurdles in your studies then also you can cross them well with your self determination. After the month of April you will see success in your studies. You will enjoy a nice time during this year from April to August as far as your money and finances are concerned. During this time you will see many chances to earn money. Even here after getting money you should know how you can invest this money in the right way and in the right direction.

Career and finances

If we talk about the career of Leo sign people during this year 2024 then we will see that they will get success in competitive exams when they prepare for them with full concentration. With the grace of Jupiter you might get a good job now but here Saturn might lay some hurdles but still you can get success with your sincere and hard work. This year will be good for you if you are doing any kind of business. Even if you earn sufficient money then also you will have to face expenses. During this entire year Rahu and Ketu will be in the 8th and 2nd houses. Due to this reason you will have money expense problems. Thus you will not be able to manage your money budget now.


If we talk about the family life of Leo sign people then we will see that they will get mixed results during this year 2024. Due to the placement of Ketu in the 2nd house you will face and see lack of mutual harmony in your family. On the same hand you will see increment of family happiness due to the placement of Venus and Mercury in the 4th house. The starting of this year will be good for those couples who want to have a child. As far as the married life of Leo sign people is concerned then now Saturn will be in the 7th house during this entire year. So now your life partner will have a high self determination.

The beginning of this year 2024 for your family life will give mixed results. On one hand Ketu will be placed in the 2nd house and will increase your family problems due to which there will be less harmony in your home. On the other hand planets like Mercury and Venus will be in the 4th house and they will increase your family happiness and luxuries. You will get help from your family. There will be peace and happiness in your home. You will see increase in the luxuries at your home. There will be a vibe of happiness in your home.  On 1st May Jupiter the teacher of Gods will enter the 10t house and will see the 2nd and 4th houses. Due to this reason there will be peace and happiness at your home.

During the beginning of this year you will have balanced and good relations with your brothers and sisters. During the last part of this year you will have favorable relations with your parents. This year your family will give you full help and support plus it will make your family a happy one. However you have to take care of the health of your father as now he might have a possibility of being ill.

When we talk about your child and progeny then we will see that now you can have a child during the first part of this year. This will happen as now Jupiter the teacher of Gods will be in the 9th house till 1st May and will see the 1st house and 5th house. As a result you will have chances of having an obedient and good child. With this happiness will enter your life. On the same hand if you are already having a child then the starting of this year will be a bit weak for you.

During this time due to placement of Sun and Mars in the 5th house you will see aggressiveness in the nature of your child. Now you will feel tough to control your child. He will obey less to you and do whatever he wants. But during the months of February and March your child will have feelings of affection towards you. He will give you full respect and will also keep sympathy towards you. The time from April to August will be average. After this you will keep on getting good news from the side of your child from time to time. Your child will also get success in their work and field. Due to the planning of marriage of your child there will be happiness in your home.

Now as far as the married life of Leo sign people are concerned then you will see that Saturn will be placed in their 7th house during the entire year in its own sign. Thus now your life partner will have strong will power and self determination. He or she will do all things with strong self determination. Due to the placement of Rahu in the 8th house you will get support from your in laws. Even then if you do not agree with them and do not obey what they say then you’re in laws might feel upset. You have to be careful especially from the time of February to June. This has to be done because now Mars will have transit in the 8th house where Saturn and Rahu are already placed.

Now even your life partner will face health problems and this will cause troubles to you. Besides this there might be tension between you and your life partner. Even the relations with your in laws might get spoiled. From the month of July you and your life partner will have feelings of love for one another and then both of you will feel more intimate for one another. The time from August to September will be much favorable. During this time you’re married life will be full of happiness. If you are still unmarred then the three months of 1st and 2nd quarter will be good for planning a marriage. Now your marriage might get arranged somewhere.


If we talk about the health of Leo sign people then we will know that this year will not be in their favor at its beginning. You will have to be careful from health problems as now Sun and Mars will be in the 5th house, Saturn will be in the 7th house and Rahu will be in the 8th house. This year might give you some physical health problems. Due to Rahu you will have to face sudden illness that will come suddenly and will also go away suddenly. Even then you might have to face some health related issues. During this year you have to bring some special changes in your daily routine. If you will have a disciplined routine then you will get saved from many kinds of health problems and diseases.

Now as far as health is concerned you have to make efforts to keep your health well. For this you have to do meditation, exercises and yoga etc. If you do this then you will have good health during the entire part of this year. Due to the placement of Rahu and Ketu in the 2nd and 8th houses this time cannot be said to be favorable from health point of view. Thus now you have to pay attention to your health. The problems related to health might trouble you due to eating rotten and oily foods. You will also have possibility of suffering with piles due to the placement of Ketu in the 8th house.

Business Predictions

During this year 2024 you can expect to have a good business. Saturn the lord of your 7th house will be placed here and will give you long term benefits. Now even your business will expand slowly. Now whatever Saturn will give, it will give you gradually and slowly. As this year will proceed you will see progress in your business. In this way your business will catch the path of progress.

However due to the placement of Rahu in the 8th house you will need to be careful. The previous part of this year will be weak because now Mars and Sun will have transit from the 6th and 7th houses to the 8th house. During this time your relations with your business partner might get spoiled. But now if you are successful in tackling these problems then your business will make progress during the entire year. You will see special progress in your business during the months from July to October. Your business will make progress along with some importance changes.

Money & Profits

From money and profits point of view this year 2024 will be full of ups and downs. Rahu will be placed in your 8th house for the entire part of the year. Thus you will see increase in your expenses. Even if you want or do not want you have to expend money. From the beginning of this year 2024 till 1st May Jupiter the teacher of Gods will be placed in the 9th house. It will help you to take correct decisions. Now Saturn will see Jupiter due to which you might expend money on visiting religious places or doing long journeys during the first part of this year.

Now journeys for business will be beneficial for you and you will make new business partnerships. These partnerships will give you money profits. Even then there will be a possibility of spending money on journeys. You will have to give attention on this matter. You have to be careful during the starting of this year because you should avoid doing money investment now. This investment will give money losses to you now and you might feel encircled with troubles.

During this time if you proceed carefully then the last part of this year 2024 will be much favorable. Now you will get chances to earn good money and in saving it. With this your financial situation will improve. Job doing people will get salary increment due to changing their job and with it they will get money benefits.

Education & Competitive Exams

The beginning of this year 2024 will be weak for the students of Leo moon sign. Even then the position of your planets indicates that you will concentrate in your studies and will make good efforts. Due to the placement of Venus and Mercury in the 4th house and Jupiter in the 9th house you will feel interested in doing your studies. You will see its positive effect during the beginning of this year. This will happen as now you will be seen to concentrate on your studies. During the starting of this year 2024 Sun and Mars will be placed in the 5th house and your 4th house and will be seen by planet Saturn. Thus now you might face some obstacles. Due to this your education might get obstructed. Even then the transit of planets will be favorable for you after April. Now you will do your studies well.

According to the predictions of year 2024 the people of Leo sign will get good results from February to March if they are preparing for any competitive exam. If you have already tried for it then you will get the best success during the months of February and March. You might get selected on a high job in the government sector. After this the time from August to November will be favorable. During now you will have good possibility of getting good results in any competitive exam.

Wealth & Vehicles

In matters of wealth the beginning of this year 2024 will be favorable. Venus and Mercury both of them will be placed in the 4th house. During this time you might get success in buying some new vehicle. This vehicle will have many attractive features and you will check its features well. You will also check how much durable your vehicle is. You will have chances to buy a new vehicle during the months of January, February and from August to November.

You might get success in buying some new property from the months of June to August. This property will be fixed assets. From this property you will get profits. During this time you will also have chances to get profits with buying and selling any property. With this your financial position with become much strong. During this year you might expend too much money to buy any property.



Advices to follow

Some more things to know about Leo moon sign

Now this year will prove to be good for the people of Leo moon sign. Now you will get good recognition and success in your career. Now when planet Jupiter will enter the 9th house during this year then your lucky time will start. Now you will get the desired success even then you have to work hard and sincerely for it. When we talk about the life partner of Leo moon sign people then we will see that the persons of Aries, Sagittarius, Libra and Aquarius will be ideal marriage partners for them. The persons of Aries and Sagittarius have special love and attraction for the persons of Leo moon sign. The people of Capricorn moon sign are inimical to the persons of Leo moon sign.

Lucky numbers for Leo moon sign

For the people of Leo moon sign 1 is a very lucky number as it is presided by planet Sun that is the lord of this moon sign. During this year 2024 its total number will be 8. For this reason this year will be average for these people. You have to make your own efforts to solve your problems. You have to give more attention to your health and money related problems. In other matters you will get good results. Now you have to keep up yourself respect. Avoid having arguments with others.

Family Relations

On 1st May 2024 Jupiter the teacher of Gods will enter the 10th house and will also see the 4th house and the 12th house. Thus due to this reason you will see peace and happiness in your home and family. During the starting of this year you will have good and balanced relations with your brothers and sisters. During the last part of this year you will also have good relations with your parents.

Love Relationships

From the month of July 2024 you will see more love between you and your mate. Thus now you will feel more intimacy for one another. The time from August to November will be much favorable. During now even your married life will be full of happiness. If till now you are unmarried then the 1st and 2nd quarter of this year will help you to get married.


As far as your money and finance is concerned then you will see that the time from April to August will be good. During this time you will get many bright chances of having money profits. During the rest of time you have to concentrate on spending money in the right way. Then only you will be able to make a balance in your finance, or else this year might bring some troubles to you.


As far as your job is concerned then due to the favor of Jupiter due to being placed in the 9th house you might get success in competitive exams. With this you will have a chance to get a high job post in the government sector. You will get this kind of success between the months of January to April.

Business & Profession

The people of Leo moon sign can expect this year 2024 to be very good as far as their business and profession is concerned. You will get long term benefits because now Saturn will be placed in the 7th house for the entire year. Your business will expand but slowly. As this year will proceed your business will also expand well. Even then you have to be careful due to the placement of Rahu in the 8th house.


This year you will get a chance to buy a new property when Jupiter will be in the 9th house from the months of January to April.

Lucky Color

Colors like Orange, Red, Green and Yellow are the best lucky colors for the persons of Leo moon sign.

Lucky Number

Numbers like 1 and 9 are the best lucky numbers for the people of Leo moon sign.

Lucky day

Days of Sunday, Thursday and Monday are the best lucky days for the people of Leo moon sign

Which numbers should be avoided?

The people of Leo moon sign should avoid numbers like 8, 4 and 6.