Consultation And Remedies

If you want Astrology consultation straight from Anirudh Kumar Mishra, fill out the form below. Don’t forget to mention your Time, Date and Place of birth in the form. After that, his team will contact you for further procedure upon completion of which a detailed oral reading of horoscope over mobile phone will be provided by Anirudh Kumar Mishra himself. If you have some specific queries whose answer you are looking for, you can also ask the same over the phone call during reading. All your specific questions will be answered. Proper remedies of the problems being faced in life are also provided to the callers. Written report is not provided due to lack of time.

Birth Chart Guide

Your birth chart or natal chart includes the planetary positions in the sky at the time and day of your birth in simple terms. While some birth charts may show all the planets located in one constellation, the others may have planets dispersed far throughout the sky. Each planet, including the sun and the moon, serves a different astrological purpose, so learning about the distance between them is significant.

For instance, the sun rules the astrological sun Leo, while the moon governs Cancer. Mercury controls Gemini and Virgo while Venus presides over Taurus and Libra. Aries is ruled by Mercury, and Jupiter presides over Sagittarius. Saturn controls Capricorn, Uranus controls Aquarius and Neptune presides over Pisces. Last but not the least, Pluto, the dwarf planet also has a significant role as it presides over Scorpio. 

Each celestial body has a significant feature that explains your character, personality and emotions. When the planets go retrograde, all the signs are impacted and they go through some positive or negative changes in life.

A birth chart is divided into 12 areas that are called houses. Each house depicts a particular dimension of your life. Houses one to twelve represent the conventional aspects of life like family income, everyday routines and your home atmosphere. Houses seven to twelve represent the more profound aspects like legacy, ideologies and clairvoyance. They also reveal your strengths and weaknesses.

I make the calculations of your birth chart based on your birth date and location which will allow you to understand your signs and their present positions. It will also give you an explanation of the situations and the reasons you are undergoing in life right now. I also offer you solutions to the planet’s pessimistic impact on your life through gemstones.


In case you want a direct astrology consultation from me, visit my official website and fill out a form on the consultancy and remedy page. Too much personal information is not required, you only need to fill out your first and last name, email id, contact number, birth date, time and place along with any specific questions or messages you want to let me know. My team will immediately contact you after that to provide you with the proceedings and after that; I will contact you over the phone and give you a detailed reading of your birth chart predictions and horoscope. In case of any specific questions, you may ask me during this time. You will also get appropriate remedies for the difficulties you are facing. However, due to scheduling conflicts, I am unable to provide you with the written report.

As I have already mentioned, my readings and predictions are reliable and my main aim is to provide you with the ultimate solution to the problems you are facing due to planetary retrogrades. Try out my astrology reading and get effective results soon.

Moon Sign Horoscopes

Like the zodiacs or the sun, signs represent your outerpersonality; moon signs show your emotions and mood. The sun signs are how other people see you. The moon sign is all about how you handle your life and emotions.

Unlike the sun signs that only need your birth date and month; you must provide your birth location and time along with the date to know your moon signs. The moon transits the zodiac rather frequently so your sun and moon signs might be completely different. In some cases, they are the same. The Moon sign is an important aspect of your birth chart as it explores the type of emotional intimacy you have and need.  

I provide the moon sign characteristics in your birth chart and also, and the monthly moon sign horoscope is provided on my official website. They consist of a complete description of how your moon sign transitions will affect a month’s beginning, middle and end.

The horoscopes include the present condition of your life and if you may face any drastic positive or negative changes. It also includes a detailed report of your career, financial, love and domestic life and any probable hindrances in it. I also include some remedies and instructions you must follow to overcome these situations or to stay strong during this time.


Compatibility is an important aspect of astrology. ‘Compatibility’ in astrology is mainly referred to as a similar emotional maturity and levels of mutual understanding, along with similar thought processes, and only when you and your partner fulfil these characteristics, you will have a successful relationship. I analyze your and your partner’s star signs to figure out the compatibility between you two. I study your horoscopes, zodiac and moon signs to determine the emotional understanding between you and your partner. Moon signs are very important for this type of astrology reading. As they show your emotional levels, they also help to determine the best compatibility between two people. You can consult with me regarding your love life or marriage life problems and find out about the zodiac or moon sign retrogrades and compatibility issues in them.

Gem Stones

The notion that the stars and the celestial bodies have a strong impact on our lifestyle is the foundation of India’s ancient and profound understanding of gemstones which goes all the way back to the Vedas. These Vedic gemstones allow your life to be transformed by channelling the frequency of the planets and stars, which are told to have a heavenly influence on you. Every house has a particular gemstone that helps to enhance your living conditions. For instance, the emerald gemstone is recommended for the Taurus zodiac sign while Yellow Sapphire is for Jupiter ruled house, Sagittarius. As a remedy to any of your life problems, I also recommend gemstones to help you overcome the astrology-related problems in your life. I analyze your and your partner’s star signs to figure out the compatibility between you two. I study your horoscopes, zodiac and moon signs to determine the emotional understanding between you and your partner. Moon signs are very important for this type of astrology reading. As they show your emotional levels, they also help to determine the best compatibility between two people. You can consult with me regarding your love life or marriage life problems and find out about the zodiac or moon sign retrogrades and compatibility issues in them.
