Tip of the year

The favorable planets of your horoscope will give you good results during this year 2024 as far as your studies are concerned. You will make gradual progress in your education. Your expertise in studies will increase and this will make you to touch new heights as far as your studies and education are concerned. The beginning and mid part of this year will help you if you are appearing in any kind of competitive exam. During this time you will get many chances of success in your studies and career. From financial point of view the beginning of this year will be favorable for you. Auspicious planets like Mercury and Venus will be in your 11th house. Thus now you will see increase in your money and income. Thus now you have to do good money management so that your budget might not get spoiled. Even planets like Saturn will motivate you to do money savings.

Summary of the year

If you are planning to appear in any kind of competitive exam then the months of January, February, August and September will help you to get high success in all these exams. You might have to wait for some time to get success even then we suggest you to work well and sincerely. During this year Saturn will be in its own sign that is Aquarius. It will motivate you to make sufficient money savings. Even then this year will give you many nice things as far as your money and finance are concerned. Your family life will be ok and good from the beginning of this year 2024. Due to the favorable position and grace of planets like Jupiter and Saturn you will see mutual harmony among the members of your family.

Career and finances

Now all the favorable planets in your horoscope will make you feel thrilled if you are preparing and appearing in any competitive exam. In this way you will make gradual progress in your career. Your knowledge will make you expert and your career will touch new heights. If you are doing higher studies even in abroad then you have to cross all the challenges that will come in your way. If you are doing any kind of business then this year will give mixed results to you. Rahu will be in the 3rd house and with it you will face all business related challenges. From money and finance point of view this year will be a very nice one. Your income will increase because now planets like Venus and Mercury will be placed in your 11th house. From money and finance point of view this year 2024 will give many good things to you.


From family point of view the starting of this year 2024 will be good for you. You will see mutual harmony among all the members of your family. This will happen due to the favorable placement of Saturn and Jupiter in the 2nd and 4th houses respectively. Here the starting of this year will be more favorable. If we talk about your children then we will see that this year will be favorable for them. Now your children will acquire more qualities because Venus and Mercury will see your 5th house.

From family point of view you will have a wonderful start during this year 2024. Now Saturn will be placed in the 2nd house in its own sign and Jupiter will be in the 4th house. With this the mutual harmony in your family will increase. The starting part of this year will be more favorable. Rahu will be placed in the 3rd house with which you will get success in your life but your brothers and sisters will have some health problems. Even your relations with might get affected now.

Now you should avoid arguments with your family members and try to behave with them in an affectionate way. With this you will get benefits. Your honest speech might seem to be good to some family members but some others might consider it to be bitter and might feel upset. In such conditions you will feel tough to manage all of them together. If you are affectionate to your family by heart then this year will bring affection and love to you. You might even come close to your family.

If we see from your children point of view, then this year 2024 will be favorable for the people of Capricorn moon sign. During the beginning of this year Venus and Mercury these auspicious planets will see the 5th house and make it much progressive. With this the attributes and qualities of your children will increase. On 1st May Jupiter will enter the 5th house and with it your child will be obedient. Their knowledge will increase. He will feel interested in religious matters and will develop his personality and will move forward in life.

If you are a married couple and desire to have a child then this will happen when Jupiter will have transit in the 5th house from 1st May. With it this year will be favorable from starting till the end. You might get some good news related to your child. With this happiness will prevail in your family.

As far as your married life is concerned, the months from July and December will be favorable. If you are unmarried then now you will have chances of getting married. If till now you are a single and are waiting for someone to enter your life then there might be a possibility that you might meet someone special during the months of April, May and June. This person might become an important part of your life. During the coming time you might get married to this person.

If we talk more about the life of married persons then this year will give you happiness. But the starting of this year will be favorable. Due to the placement of Mars and Sun in the 12th house, troubles might come in the intimate relations of you and your life partner. Now even your health might get weak. Due to this your life partner might have some troubles and some changes might come in his or her behavior.

During the starting 3 months of this year you have to control your temper or else your relations with your life partner might get spoiled. You will spend your time happily with your life partner and will go out at some place to enjoy. With this the relation between you two will become normal and love will increase between you and your life partner.


During this year 2024 the people of Capricorn moon sign will get good chances of having a nice health. Saturn the lord of your moon sign will be in the 2nd house during this entire year. It will be in its own sign Aquarius. Thus Saturn will save you from health disorders. Rahu will give you full support and will remove your health disorders by being placed in your 3rd house.  During the months from 29th June to 15th November you have to give attention and care related to your eating and living habits as now your health might get spoiled. Even then you might have weak health because Saturn will be in adverse position during the starting of this year.

During the starting of this year Saturn the lord of your moon sign will be in retrograde position from 11th February to 18th March. This will affect your health. Now negative thoughts might enter your mind. With this your mental health might get spoiled. You should not leave yourself alone in any condition. Now you should also talk well with your dear ones and family. Now mental tension will not be able to prevail over you.

Business Predictions

For business people this year 2024 will bring mixed results. But Rahu that is placed in the 3rd house will make you bold to face all kinds of challenges. With this you will do your business along with taking risks and will try to bring your business on the right track. You will get support from the people who are working with you. The people who are working under you will give better performance and will also increase their productivity. With this your business will become firm.

During the months of January and February you will get chances to grow your business from abroad sources. This year 2024 will give you progress in your business and you will get many good things with your risk taking nature. But you should avoid being careless. With this kind of tendency your business will get affected in a negative way. Even then you will get good success in your business during this year.

Money & Profits

For the people of Capricorn moon sign this year 2024 will give you good progress from financial point of view. Even here you have to control your expenses. Now during the beginning of this year Sun and Mars will be in the 12th house and will increase your expenses. During this time, if you are not able to make proper use of your money then problems might arise.

Venus and Mercury will be in the 11th house and will give you good income during the beginning of this year. Your self confidence will increase with the increment of your money. Thus now you will invest some of your money and will get good success in it. On 1st May Jupiter will enter the 5th house and it will see your 9th house, 1st house and 11th house. With this all obstacles coming on the path of getting money will get removed and you will become prosperous from finance point of view. This year will give you a lot of things from money point of view. You have to keep yourself well prepared. Never invest your money even by mistake during the month of September or else you might have to face money losses. You will get good financial profits during the months of April and May.

Education & Competitive Exams

The starting of this year 2024 will be favorable for the students of Capricorn moon sign. Mercury and Venus will see your 5th house and will increase your interest in education and studies. Now your planets will help you to make progress in the field of education. Your expertise in education will increase and you will touch new heights in your studies.

The students who are getting higher education might have to face many kinds of problems. You might feel lack of concentration and there might be many subjects that might attract your attention. Due to some hurdles your education might get obstructed. But you should not lose your spirits and keep on working hard. Your dream to go abroad for studies will get manifested during February and April. In this concern even the month September will be favorable.

If you are preparing for any competitive exam then you will get possibilities of high success during the months of January, February and August. Even then you should not step backward from working hard and should make sincere efforts.

Wealth & Vehicles

This year 2024 will get you some property during its beginning. You will have a good possibility to get some fixed or movable property from the months of January to April. You will get this property according to your legacy relations. Now there might also be a possibility of getting some ancestral property. With it the money of your ancestral property might come to you. With this your financial condition might become strong.

If we talk about buying a vehicle then the time till the end of March and till the end of May will be very much favorable. Now during this time the transit of Venus in the 3rd and 4th houses will help you to buy a good looking vehicle.



Advices to follow

Some more things to know about Capricorn moon sign

This year 2024 will bring new chances of progress in their career for the people of Capricorn moon sign. This year will give the highest progress to the persons of this moon sign. You will not face any trouble in money related matters. You will get much progress in your career and job during this time. The people of Pisces and Scorpio moon sign will prove to be ideal life partners for the persons of Capricorn moon sign. During this year 2023 these people will make good progress in their business and profession. The people of Scorpio moon sign can prove loving towards the persons of Capricorn moon sign. The persons of Libra and Aries moon sign are the greatest enemies of Capricorn moon sign people

Lucky numbers for Capricorn moon sign

Planet Saturn is the presiding planet for the people of Capricorn moon sign. Numbers 4 and 8 are the lucky numbers for these people. According to this year 2024 its total number is 8. This year will be favorable for the people of Capricorn moon sign. If we leave the issue of your health then you will make progress and success in other walks of your life. This year will make you a person with strong will power. You will complete your tasks upto the needed benchmark. With this you will get admiration along with money.

Family Relations

This year will prove to be well from family point of view. You will see mutual harmony in your family. This will happen because Saturn will be in the 2nd house in its own sign. Even Jupiter will be in the 4th house in its friendly sign. The starting of this year 2024 will be much favorable. After this Jupiter will enter the 5th house and Rahu will be seen in the 3rd house. With it you will get good success in your family life. But as far as your brothers and sisters are concerned they might have some health problems.

Now you have to try not to get into any arguments. Just try to behave with your family members in an affectionate way. With this you might get big benefits. Now your honest speech might please your family members but some of them might feel hurt and upset with this speech. In such conditions keeping all of them in your favor will be a tough task. If you are affectionate truly to your dear ones then you will also get affection from them during this year.

Love & Relationships

As far as love relationship is concerned then the months of July and December will be favorable for all these matters. You might get married to your love mate during this time. If you are still a single then you might be seeking a special person to enter your life. This might happen during the months of March, April, May and June. During all these months you might get married to your desired person.

If you get married now to your love mate then you will feel happy. The beginning of this year will be favorable for this matter. You might see some obstacles in your intimate relations due to the placement of Mars and Sun in your 12th house. Due to the ill placement of planets even your health might come down. With this your life partner might face some troubles. You will see changes in the behavior of your mate. You have to control your anger during the first 3 months of this year 2024. If you do not do so, then your relationship might get spoiled. After this your time will become favorable. Now you might enjoy life with your love mate happily. You might even go for outing with your love mate to enjoy your life with one another. Here you will spend some good moments with one other due to which love will increase between you two.


From money point of view you will have a favorable start during this year 2024. Your money will increase as now Mercury and Venus will be placed in the 11th house and will increase your income day by day. Even Saturn will be placed in your 2nd house in its own sign Aquarius. Due to which you will have a tendency to save money. Even then during this year Sun and Mars will be placed in the 12th house due to which you will have expenses. But after the month of February you will see reduction in your expenditure. In short we can say that this year will give you lot of things as far as money is concerned.


As far as your job is concerned then now you will meet the desired expectations of your boss. With it your-self confidence will also increase and you will know what your responsibilities are? You will have good relations with your seniors and bosses. Due to the placement of Rahu in the 3rd house for the entire year you will take your work as a challenge and will complete it well within the shortest time.

Business & Profession

As far as business and profession is concerned then Rahu will motivate you to do and grow your business well as now it will be placed in the 3rd house.


If we look at your property matter then we will know that during this year 2024 you will have chances to get ancestral property during the beginning of this year from January to April.

Lucky Color

Colors like black, green and pink along with white are lucky for the people of Capricorn moon sign people.

Lucky Number

Numbers like 8, 6 and 5 are lucky numbers for the people of Capricorn moon sign people.

Lucky day

Days like Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are very auspicious for the people of Capricorn moon sign.

Which numbers should be avoided?

The numbers like 1, 9, 3 and 2 should be avoided by the people of Capricorn moon sign.