If you are a student then the beginning of this year 2024 will be weak for you. So here you have to lay maximum focus on your education and studies. The starting months of February and March will be very important for you as now during this time you will give maximum concentration to your studies. Inspite of having hurdles in your studies you should try your best to study well and then you will get success. You can get the best success in competitive exams during the months of August and September. Even then you can expect to get success in your financial position during this year. The planets that are in your 11th house along with being in your favor, they will make your position well as far as money and finance is concerned. So you can expect success in all matters of your studies, career and finance.
During this year 2024 we will see that the planet Saturn will be in the 6th house. Thus with this favorable position of Saturn you will have chances to get high success in competitive exams. Just work hard and prepare well for any competitive exam in which you want to appear. You will get the desired results during this year as far as getting some high post is concerned. You will be at your heights of happiness after getting success in some competitive examination. However if you are planning to get higher education then the first part of this year 2024 will be very much weak. However you might get success in your studies after the first part of this year. Even if you want to get success in your finances then also you will get good chances for it after 1 May 2024. This will happen because Jupiter will come in the 9th house and Saturn will be placed in the 6th house.
As far as career is concerned then you will get success in your career when you concentrate well in your studies. Here the months of April, August and November will be a bit tough. Here you have to give more and more attention to your studies. You have to know that if you are aspiring to get success in competitive exams then you have to do sincere and hard work and then only you will get the desired results. Here the time from the months of October to December will be much favorable. From money and finance point of view this year 2024 can be expected to be good for the people of Aquarius moon sign. You will have a strong financial position during this time as now planets like the Sun and Mars will be placed in the 11th house. You will also make others surprised by taking a tough decision related to money and finances.
If we talk about your relationships then now you will see that the beginning of this year 2024 will be good. This will happen as planets like Venus and Saturn will see your 4th house. Due to this reason you will see happiness in your family life. Now you will keep good relations with your parents. The matters concerned with your children will give you mixed results. You might feel troubled in this matter during the beginning of this year. Even now you’re married life will have ups and downs because Saturn will see your 7th house.
If we look from family point of view then we will see that the starting of this year will be very favorable because Mercury and Venus will fully see your 4th house. Due to this reason you will see happiness in your family life. You will have good relations with your parents and they will help you in your tasks. But due to the placement of Rahu in the 2nd house and the seeing of Mars on this house you will have bitterness in your tone. There might be ups and downs in your family relations if you have tendency of selfishness. Even there might be tension with your family members. Due to the placement of Jupiter in the 3rd house you will have good relations with your brothers and sisters.
During the beginning part of this year Jupiter will enter your 4th house on 1st May. Due to this you will see affection in your family relations and love will increase among them. During the months from October to December health problems might encircle your father. Thus you should be careful and take him to a doctor. Due to the placement of Saturn in your sign you will have some hardness in your behavior. Even then you have to be a bit polite to manage the relations in your family life. If you pay attention on these things then you will spend your life happily.
If we see from children point of view then this year 2024 will bring mixed results. During the starting of this year some problems might arise related to your child. Now it might be possible that aggressiveness might increase in the nature of your child. Along with this health problems might also cause trouble. Thus you have to pay attention on all these things. The health of your child will become well from the months of February to April.
Your child will make progress in their tasks due to which you will feel happy. You have to check the attention of your child from the months of May to August. You have to also guide your child to choose the right task at the right time as now he will be in a condition of dilemma about what he should do? Thus you have to help him. The last 3 month’s quarter will give you happy news about your child. Thus you will feel proud after seeing the progress of your child.
During the beginning of this year 2024 Saturn will see your 7th house with which you will see ups and downs in your married life. Even if Saturn is in your own sign then due to it’s seeing on the 7th house you will see tension in your married life. On the other hand if you are sincere by heart then Saturn will test you from time to time and will help you to make your married relationship firm and matured.
From the time of 5th February to 23rd April Mars will have transit in the 12th and 1st houses and will also see the 7th house. This time will give tension in your family life. Your family life will be full of tension due to mutual arguments and quarrels. You have to give attention in behaving with your family members in a very affectionate way or else problems might increase in your family relations.
You have to keep full control on your tongue from the months of April to June. Do not say anything bitter to your life partner now. This will be good for you. After this your time will be favorable. Even then your problems might rise again during the time from 12th July to 26th August. If you are careful then this time will pass well. After this you and your life partner will enjoy a happy married life.
From health point of view this year 2024 will be favorable for the people of Aquarius moon sign. You will have good health as Saturn the lord of your moon sign will help you. If you follow a disciplined life then only you will get good health. This is because now Saturn will motivate you to do more hard and sincere work. So you have to make efforts to keep and have good health. For this purpose you have to give attention on meditation, yoga and physical exercises. If you do so then only you will have good health during this entire year. Even then here the placement of Rahu in the 2nd house and Ketu in the 8th house cannot be regarded favorable as concerned with your health.
Now as far as health is concerned you have to make efforts to keep your health well. For this you have to do meditation, exercises and yoga etc. If you do this then you will have good health during the entire part of this year. Due to the placement of Rahu and Ketu in the 2nd and 8th houses this time cannot be said to be favorable from health point of view. Thus now you have to pay attention to your health. The problems related to health might trouble you due to eating rotten and oily foods. You will also have possibility of suffering with piles due to the placement of Ketu in the 8th house.
For business doing people the starting of this year 2024 will be good. Saturn will see and aspect at your 7th house during the entire year. During the starting of this year Sun the lord of 7th house will be in the 11th house along with Mars that is the lord of 10th house. Even Jupiter will be in the 3rd house till 1st May and will see your 9th house, 7th house and 11th house. With this your fortune will become stronger. You will get success in your tasks and your business will have a possibility to grow well. You will get a chance to expand your business plans. If you want to bring changes in your business then you can do it from the months of April to July.
The month of April will be especially beneficial. During this time your business will get success from the government sector and you might become a partner in the plans that are concerned with the government sector. You will take risks in your business due to your risk taking tendencies and with it you will have a possibility to get good profits. From business point of view this year 2024 will be favorable to a lot of extent. The time from the months of October to December will be weak for you. During this time you have to operate your business in a proper way and adopt such ways that might not be illegal or else you might get encircled from troubles. Even then your business will run well.
The people of Aquarius moon sign will get good money profits during the beginning of this year 2024. Jupiter will be placed in the 3rd house and will see your 7th, 9th and 11th houses and will increase your income. Now you will have strong chances to have money profits. The planets like Sun and Mars will be placed in the 11th house. Due to this reason you will get the best money profits. You will also get chances of having profits from the government sector. If you are doing any kind of job then now you will get a promotion and with it you will get good money benefits. If you are doing any kind of business then it will grow well now.
This time will make you to have good progress from money point of view. The previous part of this year 2024 will be much favorable as now Jupiter will be in the 3rd house till 1st May and will see the 11th house in which its own sign is placed. After this ups and downs will be seen in your money matters. From February to March you will see ups and downs but in the month of April conditions will come in your control. Rahu will be placed in your 2nd house for the entire year and will increase your expenses. You have to be careful in money matters and should avoid fake offers to earn profits. Then only you will get money profits.
The beginning of this year 2024 will be weak for the students of Aquarius moon sign. Even if you try to concentrate on your studies then also your mind will seem to combat and face some problems. Now it will be tough for you to concentrate well on your studies. But the time from February to March will be very much important for you. Now you will make maximum efforts and work hard. With this your concentration will also become a bit strong. The months of April, August and November will be a bit tough for you. You might face some obstacles in your education. During the rest of months you will study well.
The students who are preparing for any competitive exam might have chances to get success from the months of March to August. Besides this if you work extra hard then the time from October to December will also be favorable for you. During this time you will get chances of getting success in any competitive exam. You should keep on doing hard work. If you want to get higher education then this year will be favorable for them. You will get chances to study your desired subjects. If you want to go abroad for studies then now your desire might get fulfilled. Saturn the lord of 12th house will be in your own sign and will provide you the best success. You might get success in this concern from the months of January to March and from October to December
The people of Aquarius moon sign might buy some vehicle or property during the beginning of this year 2024. Auspicious planets like Venus and Mercury will see your 4th house and glorious planets like Sun and Mars will be placed in the 11th house. The month of January will be favorable from all points of view. During this time you will buy some good vehicle or property. After this you might have to wait for some time. The time from February to April is not favorable. Now you should avoid buying any kind of property. If you want to buy any vehicle then you can do it when Venus will have transit in the 4th house from 19th May to 12th June. This time will be much suitable to buy a vehicle.
During this time you will get the best success in buying a new vehicle. After this the months of June and July plus September and October will give you success in this task. If you want now you can buy a good property. To get success in these tasks the months from June to August will also have a possibility to be favorable.
This year will bring lots of happiness to the people of Aquarius moon sign. Now you will get success in your career as your luck will favor you during this year. Luck of this moon sign people will shine during the months of January, August and December. The people of Aquarius moon sign will get financial progress, prosperity and success during this time. The persons of Gemini and Libra moon sign can prove to be the best life partners for Aquarius moon sign people. The persons born under Libra and Gemini sign are affectionate towards the people of Aquarius moon sign. People of Cancer and Libra sign are regarded as enemies of Aquarius sign people.
The planet Saturn presides over the people of Aquarius moon sign. 6 and 8 are the lucky numbers for the people of this moon sign. According to astrology predictions of year 2024 its total number is 8. This year will be favorable for the people of Aquarius sign in many walks of life. From money point of view this year will give you a nice progress. You will also get good success in your business and profession. You will get success even in your job. You will spend a happy life even if you are having tension in your family life and married life. Now religious thoughts might come into your mind and will make you do pious deeds.
Days like Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are fortunate for the people of Aquarius moon sign.