Tip of the year

If you are a student then during this year 2024 you have to work hard to get success in any competitive exam. For you the mid part of this year will be much favorable. During this time you will get success in your tasks related to career and job. Thus with it you can get selected for a very high position. You will need to take the greatest self determination as concerned with your education and studies. It might be possible that you might have to leave your home for study purpose. Then only you will get a chance to go abroad and get higher education. Due to the favorable position of planets you will have a good and nice position as concerned about getting higher education. You will get success at college to choose your favorite subject and study it well. If you desire to go abroad for studies then now you might face ups and downs

Summary of the year

In summarized form we can say that this year 2024 will be give average results in matters of money and finance. Even then you might get good financial benefits due to the favorable position of Rahu in the 11th house. Due to the transit of Jupiter in your moon sign from 1st May 2024 you will see some decrease in your personal expenses. With it you will be able to keep a balance in your money and finance matters. If we talk about your family life then we will see that now you will have a good time at home at the beginning of this year. Now you will have good coordination with your father but here you will also feel worried about the health of your parents. If we see more about your children and progeny then during the beginning of this year you might have some tension with them.

Career and finances

During this year 2024 the persons of Taurus moon sign will need to work more hard if they are preparing for any competitive exam. Then only they will get success. The months from March to April and from September to October will be favorable for career and job purpose. Now you will get the desired success at your job place. From money and finance point of view this year will give average results to the people of Taurus sign. Due to the placement of Rahu in the 11th house you will have bright chances to get money related gains. In this way your desires concerned with money and finance will get fulfilled.


When we talk of family relationships for the people of Taurus moon sign then we see that their family life will have a good start during the beginning of year 2024. Now you will get benefits due to having good relationship with your father. You will also have good coordination with your brothers and sisters. You might have some tension with your child during this time. This year will be a favorable one for Taurus moon sign people as concerned with their married life. You will have a loving relationship with your life partner during this time.
When we peep more into your family life during this year 2024 then we will see that there might be a possibility of having some property related disputes. During this time you have to keep patience to solve these problems well. After making periodic efforts your family relationships will become normal and well. You might go on a religious pilgrimage journey with your family between the months of August to October. You will feel newly energetic due to spending time with your family members. In this way you will see reduction in your family problems. You might get a chance to participate in any marriage of some relative from the months of November to December. Due to this reason there will be surroundings of happiness even in your family.
Now if we talk about your children then you will see that during this year 2024 you will not be able to understand their problems in a proper way. They will have some desires that you will have to know and then you should take them in the right direction. But now you will not be able to understand the feelings of your child and this might create an invisible gap between you and your progeny. Before facing these conditions you have to control all problems that are coming in your family life. The month of February will bring better results for your children if they are doing higher studies. If you are worried about their marriage then your child might have chances to get married between the months of October and November.
Now if you are desirous of having a child then you have to wait for this occasion till some more time. You might get good news in this concern during the month of April 2024. During this year if you are planning to get your child admitted at some school then you have to choose a school carefully. With it your child will get benefits in the coming time.
If we talk about your married life during this year 2024 then you will see that the feelings of love will increase between you and your life partner. Doing romance with your partner will get manifested. Both of you might go to enjoy some picnic and outing. Now you will see intimacy in your relationship with your life partner. You will also take part in family related ceremonies. Thus both of you will be seen to be the true companions of one other.
For the people of Taurus moon sign it might be seen that their life partner might face some health related problems. This condition might come again from the months of August to October 2024. Thus you have to take good care of the health of your life partner. You should get them to have good medical treatment so that they might get relief from their health problems. From the months of June to August 2024 you might have tension in your married life and outside people might give unwanted interference. Thus, you should remember not to allow outsiders to interfere in your married life.
If you try to convince your life partner then you will see that the coming time during October to December will bring improvement in your marriage relationship. Thus now you will enjoy your married life. Your life partner might get some big achievement between the months of April and June. In this way your partner will help you to get a strong financial position during this year.


When we see the health of Taurus moon sign people during this year 2024 then we will know that the beginning of this year will be a bit weak. Now your health cannot be said to be favorable because planet Ketu will be in the 5th house, Jupiter will be in the 12th house and Mars along with Sun will be in the 8th house. Your health problems might increase more due to the transit of Venus in the 8th house from 18th January to 12th February. Thus now you have to take special care of your health. Even then during the mid of this year you will see improvement in your health. You might even make a plan to get health improvement. You might include some new things in your daily routine. You will face some significant health issue during the month of October 2024.
In summarized way we want to suggest that as far as health is concerned you have to give the best care to it. Even then your health will recover well during the mid part of this year 2024. You might plan well to be in good health. Even then you can see more health problems during the month of October. During this time problems like bile and phlegm might cause trouble you. You have to choose eating hot or cold food according to the climate. You should eat food that can get digested easily. With this you will get health benefits. During the last month of this year you will see that your health is well.

Business Predictions

When we talk about your business prospects during this year 2024 then you will see that the starting of this year will be favorable for you. Now Venus and Mercury will be seen to be placed in your 7th house. Besides this, Jupiter will be seen to occupy the 12th house. Even Saturn will be in the 10th house and Rahu will occupy the 11th house. All these benefic conditions of planets will create favorable chances to make progress in your business. Now you will get full help and support from your business partner. He will also stand by your side and work well to expand your business. With your combined efforts your business will expand well.
Now if you are doing your business single handed and without any partner then your business will grow well during the starting of this year 2024. After this you have to keep care during the months from March to August. Just try to think and decide well before investing your money in your business or else you might face some problems in this concern. If you are buying any plot or land for business purpose then investigate about it well to avoid problems from the side of law. After the month of August again your business will run well. If you desire to start some new business then here also you can start this task before the month of April 2024. You might also get good benefits from your abroad business clients during the first part of this year.
After the period of 1st May 2024 planet Jupiter will come in your moon sign and will see the 7th, 5th and 9th houses respectively. With this condition your power to take decision will become well and you will get desired results in your business. In this way you will feel happy to see the progress in your business. Now during this year you might also include your life partner to take part in your business.

Money & Profits

When we talk about the money and profits for the people of Taurus moon sign then we will know that this year 2024 will bring mixed results for them. Due to the beginning of this year Jupiter the teacher of Gods will be in the 12th house and will make you to expend money. These expenses will be done for religious and spiritual purpose. Thus you have to expend your money on these matters and even then you will feel pressurized due to these expenses. Even then the presence of Saturn in the 10th house and its aspect on the 12th house plus Rahu that is occupying the 11th house will give you money benefits. With this your desires will get fulfilled.
During this year 2024 you might also have chances to get secret money income as Mars will be in the 8th house and yet it will see the 11th and 12th houses. You might even get some old ancestral property. The beginning of this year will be favorable to get money income and profits. It will give you money gains. Even then now you have to face some expenses and then Jupiter will reduce these expenses by entering your moon sign on 1st May. With it even your luck will support you.
On the other hand Rahu will bring you income due to which you will keep on getting money during this entire year. Now you will have a fixed source of income to get money. Till the last part of this year your financial position will become much strong. Here you have to be careful about not to expend money without thinking well and carelessly. Now making investment in the share market will not prove to be good. Thus, you have to be careful in matters of money investment.

Education & Competitive Exams

As far as education is concerned then now the persons of Taurus moon sign will have to face lack of concentration in their studies during this year 2024. This will bring difficulties in their studies. Even then due to the placement of Ketu in the 5th house you will get expertise in grasping secret subjects. You will like to investigate secret things and in this direction you will get good and favorable results. Besides this you will also get success in getting knowledge about Geography, History and other subjects. You will get success in understanding all these subjects easily. In short we can say that you will get success in grasping those subjects that should be investigated deeply in the long way.
During this year 2024 the students who are preparing for competitive exams, they will have to make hard efforts. For you the months from March to April and from September to October will be favorable for you. During this period you will get success in your efforts and you might get selected at a good post. Now you should have a strong determination about your studies and even you might have to go away from your family to do studies.

If you want to get higher education then this dream will get fulfilled during this year 2024. According to the favorable position of planets now you will be in a good position as far as this matter is concerned. You will get success in getting admission at your favorable college and studying your favorite subject there. If you are dreaming of going abroad to do studies then here you might face some ups and downs. Even then you will have favorable time in this concern from February to March and from June to July.

Wealth & Vehicles

You should avoid buying any new vehicle during the starting of this year. This should be done as now Sun the lord of 4th house is with Mars in your 8th house. This indicates that now if you buy any vehicle then this might become the cause of any road accident with your vehicle. So now you have to keep patience. Due to all these conditions the month of March will be favorable to buy a new vehicle. During this time you will not only get happiness with your vehicle but now it will also prove to be very lucky and fortunate for you. After this you can also buy a new conveyance during the months of May and August.
Now Saturn will have a benefic aspect on your 4th house. Due to this reason you might construct a new building on your plot or land. Due to this chance during the entire year you will get success in constructing your own house. Thus your long time desire will get fulfilled and you will feel happy with it. Along with this the months of March, April, August and December will be good if you want to buy any new property.



Advices to follow

Some more things to know about Taurus moon sign

This year 2024 will be average for the people of Taurus sign. Even they have to face challenges in their career and studies during this year. After the benefic transit of planet Jupiter these people will get help from their destiny and fortune. As far as love and marriage is concerned the persons of Pisces sign and Virgo sign can be the best match for Taurus sign people. The people of Cancer, Virgo, Pisces and Capricorn are fond of Taurus people.

Lucky numbers for Taurus moon sign

The lord of Taurus moon sign is planet Venus. The numbers 2 and 7 are very lucky for the persons of Taurus sign. According to the predictions of astrology number 8 is the lord of this year 2024. This year will be average for the people of Taurus sign. Leaving a few matters you will get success well now. You have to make a firm goal and march forward. Just read about all those things in your horoscope that you have to attain and get during this year. If you make a target and march towards it then you will get many things during this year.

Family Relations

When we talk about the family life of Taurus moon sign people then we will see that this year 2014 will be well for them at its beginning. Even then during the starting of this year you will get benefits due to having good relations with your father. Even then your parents will have some health problems due to which you have to take care of them. Now you will have affectionate relations with your brothers and sisters and they will help you from time to time. Even you might have some family tension during the mid of this year.

Love Relationships

According to the predictions of year 2024 the people of Taurus moon sign will be having worries as their life partner or love mate will have health related problems. This might happen especially during the months from August to October. Thus you have to take full care of your life partner and you should also get done medical treatment to your partner at the right time so that he or she might get rid of all health problems. From the months of June to August you will have close and intimate relations with your life partner or love mate. Even then you have to prevent some other person from interfering in your married and love life.


This year 2024 will give mixed results to the people of Taurus moon sign as far as money and profits are concerned. During the beginning of this year Jupiter the teacher of Gods will be in the 12th house and will make you to expend money. These expenses will be related and concerned with religious tasks and so you have to do them. But here you will also feel burden due to this reason. Even then due to the placement of Saturn in the 10th house and its seeing on the 12th house along with placement of Rahu in the 11th house will give you money gains.


During this year 2024 if you desire a good job then you have to make good preparations for appearing in any competitive exam. Even then your concentration will seem to be less. Now planet Ketu will be placed in the 6th house due to which you will study secret subjects. You will grasp all these subjects easily. Now if you study subjects like History and Geography then also these subjects will help you to get good marks in any competitive exams in the long way. With all these subjects you might get high success in exams and get a good promising job during this year 2024.

Business & Profession

During this year 2024 the beginning part will be good for Taurus people moon sign. This will happen because Venus and Mercury will be in the 7th house and Jupiter will be in the 12th house.


Now due to placement of planet of Saturn in your 4th house you will construct your own home at your land or plot. With the grace of Saturn you will make your own home before the end of this year.

Lucky Color

White, Pink and Green are the luckiest colors for the people of Taurus sign.

Lucky Number

For the people of Taurus moon sign 6 is the greatest lucky number as Venus the lord of this moon sign is related to this number. Apart from this 5 and 8 are also lucky for Taurus people.

Lucky day

Friday is the best day for Taurus people as this day is concerned and ruled by planet Venus.

Which numbers should be avoided?

Numbers like 1, 9 and 3 should be avoided by the people of Taurus sign.